What is Gynecomastia; Treatments

Advancements in modern medicine have made the plastic surgery field better and improved than before. Other than that, many people have embraced plastic surgery medicine and have become confident in being part of the rapidly growing world. Unlike earlier, where only women participated in plastic surgery, men too are now using plastic surgery. Men have different plastic procedures, including gynecomastia in West Palm Beach. Let us look in-depth at what it involves.

What is gynecomastia?

It is a condition where a man has excess breast tissue. It may cause self-esteem issues as breasts may show female features. Measures such as diet and exercise can help reduce the fat in some cases, while the fat can be stubborn to eliminate in other cases.

Gynecomastia can occur at any age; however, it commonly occurs during puberty as the male body develops. In addition, it can happen due to chronic diseases, hereditary conditions, endocrine issues, tumors, and drugs such as steroids, antidepressants, or hypertension medications.

It can happen on one or both breasts, while in some extreme cases, it may cause the chest to stretch, displacing the nipples.

Gynecomastia treatment

Different approaches are used in treating gynecomastia, including liposuction, surgery, or both.

Your provider may decide on surgery to address two issues. One of the reasons you might need surgery for gynecomastia is to reconstruct your chest structure. The other reason is to identify any strange lumps in the chest that may be cancerous.

At L.A. Vinas, M.D., the team uses minimally invasive techniques to remove excess skin, tissue, or fat. The noninvasive approach allows removing specific tissue preventing deformity. Besides, it enhances less scarring, reduces swelling and recovery time.

Surgery results for gynecomastia are instant; however, complete results are evident within three to six months.

What to expect after gynecomastia treatment?

Plastic surgery procedures aim to improve your appearance by giving your desired results. However, not every time will the results be there. A skilled and experienced plastic surgeon tailors a customized treatment plan to address all your concerns.

Though not usual, you may require a second surgery to correct any complications and restructure your skin or tissue.

Where gynecomastia occurs due to an existing condition, your provider works with you to first treat the condition. Maintaining a healthy weight is also critical, especially if your gynecomastia is weight-related.

Your provider also provides hormone treatments that may be causing the growth of the breast tissue. Dr. Vinas and the team also provide helpful advice on staying healthy.

One of the benefits of plastic surgery is the ability to transform our appearance and body contour quickly. Your appearance contributes to your self-esteem; plastic surgery is vital to improving and restoring your self-confidence affected by body contour.

Gynecomastia in men may not be a good thing regarding their confidence. It may cause undesirable things that may affect your quality of life. Luckily, Dr. Vinas and his team offer advanced and precise gynecomastia treatments to restore your body structure and enhance your self-esteem. Call L.A. Vinas M.D. offices today to schedule a consultation.