When Are Teeth Extractions Necessary?

Most people in The Woodlands, Texas, know that teeth extractions may be necessary in cases of severe dental decay, infection, or trauma. However, many people are unaware when tooth extractions may also be required to preserve overall health. Visit a competent The Woodlands extractions specialist. According to the American Dental Association, there are many reasons why tooth extractions may be necessary. Below are some of them.


Overcrowding of teeth occurs when there is insufficient room for all teeth to grow normally. In some cases, the roots of crowded teeth may begin to grow into each other or adjacent structures such as bone, gums, and sinuses. 

Occasionally, overcrowding is a hereditary condition that cannot be prevented entirely with good oral hygiene and regular dental visits. In these cases, tooth extractions may be necessary to prevent future infections and damage to surrounding teeth, roots, gums, jawbones, or sinuses.

Overerupting Teeth

Overerupting teeth are the opposite of overcrowded teeth; they grow abnormally out of the mouth instead of inwards. When this occurs, the tooth’s roots may become exposed and pressure other teeth or structures in the mouth. The American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons states that early extractions may help prevent complications such as infection and damage to surrounding teeth and bones.

Trauma and Injury

Injuries such as sports-related injuries and accidents can cause teeth to become cracked, broken, or chipped. In some cases, these injuries may result in fractured jaws or bones that need to be realigned to restore normal function. 

During this process, the extent of damage sustained by surrounding teeth and roots must be determined before a realistic treatment plan can be established. Extractions may be necessary to minimize the damage to the surrounding teeth, roots, gums, jaws, or sinuses after the realignment of fractured bones.

Impacted Canine Teeth

Extractions may also be necessary in cases where one or more canine teeth are impacted at the gum line. An impacted tooth fails to erupt through the gum line appropriately. In these cases, conscientious oral hygiene can help prevent infection or damage to surrounding teeth and roots.

Teeth Decay

Usually, tooth extractions are performed on a relatively healthy tooth that suffers from severe decay or gum disease. Because of the pain and discomfort associated with advanced stages of dental problems, it is crucial to have your teeth examined regularly by a dentist. In cases of advanced decay, extraction may be more cost-effective than root canals or crown placement after endodontic treatments.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

In most cases, people have room for all 32 adult teeth to grow normally. Some patients have four wisdom teeth that need to be removed as a precautionary measure since they may become impacted and cause damage to other teeth or the surrounding bone structure. Other reasons for removal include infection or gum disease because wisdom teeth can be difficult to clean effectively due to the limited space in the back of the mouth.

Teeth extractions may be necessary for various reasons, including overcrowding, over erupting teeth, trauma and injury, impacted canine teeth, wisdom teeth removal, and decay. While most people are aware that tooth extractions may be necessary in cases of severe dental decay or infection, many people are unaware of when tooth extractions may also be required to preserve overall health. It is essential to have your teeth examined regularly by a dentist to determine if extraction is the best course of action for you.