7 Components of a Good Asthma and Allergies Personalized Treatment Plan

It is not uncommon for Bastrop, Texas, to suffer from asthma and allergies. In fact, according to the American Lung Association, more than 25 million Americans have asthma, which is one of the most common chronic diseases in children. The good news is that many treatments are available to help manage these conditions. For a successful treatment plan, it’s essential to consult a Bastrop asthma & allergies specialist before beginning any new type of therapy or exercise. Here are seven components of a sound treatment plan.

Allergy Testing

One of the first steps in creating good asthma and allergies personal treatment plan is undergoing allergy testing. The purpose of this test is to determine what exactly you are allergic to. Once these allergens have been identified, your doctor will be able to prescribe medications and treatments for those specific allergies as well as use other preventative measures such as removing them from your environment.

Allergy Shots

Allergy shots or immunotherapy is a treatment plan in which your doctor injects small amounts of the substance you are allergic to. Over time, this changes how your body reacts to these allergens and reduces symptoms such as nasal congestion and other effects. Most people receive about 40-50 injections over several years before their symptoms are satisfactorily reduced.

Oral Antihistamine Medications

Oral antihistamine medications treat the symptoms of asthma and allergies. Most people take these orally each day to manage their condition and keep away irritating asthma and allergies symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and other allergic reactions. Side effects of these medications are usually minimal but may include dry mouth or drowsiness.

Inhaler Medications

Inhalers are used to manage asthma and allergies symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and tightness in the chest. These inhalers come in several forms, from metered-dose types with a face mask or mouthpiece to handheld devices that you inhale through your nose or mouth. Inhaled medications work quickly without the side effects of oral medications.

Inhaled Steroids

Inhaled steroids can reduce inflammation in the lungs, often a cause of asthma and allergies. Inhalers deliver medication directly to the airways instead of throughout your body, as occurs with orally ingested or injected medicines that reach other organs in addition to the lungs. Although these treatments can have side effects such as a hoarse voice or joint pain, they are usually minimal.

Breathing Treatments

Breathing treatments are very useful in helping you to manage asthma and allergies symptoms. These include tools such as a nebulizer, which delivers mist-containing medications directly to your lungs. There is also a large variety of breathing exercises called relaxation therapy, which helps control asthma and allergies symptoms by reducing stress on the respiratory system.

Creams or Topical Medications

Creams or topical medications such as corticosteroid nasal sprays, ointments, and eye drops help stop the effects of inflammation on your body. This type of medication is less likely to cause side effects than oral medications, but it may take longer for the cream to absorb into your system and provide relief.

Everyone knows that asthma and allergies can be a nuisance. However, there are many treatments available to help manage these conditions. Suppose you’re looking for the best treatment plan. In that case, it’s vital to consult with your doctor before beginning any new type of therapy or exercise regimen and follow their recommendations closely so you don’t have complications or worsen the condition.